~The Noises Of Ted Versicolor~

Last Station

July 6, 2013 | the noises of

I drove to Bridport in Dorset yesterday (170 miles west of Hastings). It made me want to give up driving. Any road, the reason for the torture – so that i could play with pine branches in the manner of foghorns for One Two One




April 20, 2013 | the noises of

Qi is a project from pre 2005. I was trying to make music on an ancient PowerBook 1400c. This device has a 120mhz processor and the best software i could find was the excellent Vision DSP (more…)


In Memoriam

August 2, 2011 | the noises of

I’m collaborating with Cathryn Kemp for her installation ‘In Memoriam’ in the crypt at St. Mary in the Castle, A large Victorian church on the Hastings sea front. The piece is a tribute to the young women who fell victim to tuberculosis in the 19th century and sought the ‘sea cure’ in Hastings, many of whom are buried in the crypt. My job is to add ghostly utterances, whispers and unsettling stuff to the space, yay! Free admission – from Aug 6 – 12.30 pm PV 6 – 8


The Drawing Room

July 30, 2011 | the noises of

A group of artists of varied disciplines were invited to The Stade Hall over two weeks culminating in a public event from 30 July – 31 July 2011 as a part of the Coastal Currents festival. Based in Hastings on the south east coast of England the festival includes open studios and curated events. Jon Weekes (that’s ma boy) created a UPIC type app using Python. It’s very simple but shows off his programming skills rather well. Nice little features like saving when the screen is cleared and an event recorder.


The “Drynth” as he’s called it is projected onto a large screen in the hall and users operate it with a graphics tablet.


BlogCaSt No 2 – Hastings Pier

October 11, 2010 | the noises of

Hastings pier went up in flames last week. Some of the night-time images of the fire inspired me to use HyperUpic on them. The previous week i was under the pier taking videos so i used a short sample from the soundtrack as an “oscillator”.



July 4, 2009 | the noises of

“Framework is a show consecrated to field recording and it’s use in composition” and on this particular occasion a batch of Ted Versicolor stuff got aired during the programme.  Some months ago, I sent Patrick McGinley a CD entitled “Lonely Fences”, a compilation of wire fence recordings i’d made since 1988. The programme contains many of the pieces. Listen to it here while stocks last.

For more info about Framework including detailed playlists see frameworkradio.net


paint mix 1 – aka photomangle/tuvan beach huts

July 1, 2009 | the noises of


Ok a whole hour is a bit ambitious to start with. I think 15 minutes is more interesting anyway so here’s BlOgCaSt No. 1


a fresh delivery of mixcrete, every so often…

April 27, 2009 | the noises of

That’s what this is for. Over time i will post hour long sections of audio mulch here. You can place an order for it by subscribing and i hope to blast it thru iTunes before long.

Update: Yeah right…


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